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Supporting Jeans for Genes Day & It's Never You

For our first 'mufti day' of the year, we are supporting two fantastic charities: Jeans for Genes UK and It’s Never You. Children and staff have donated money to wear jeans and help make a difference to those living with genetic disorders. In assemblies, we have hearing about what genetic conditions are and celebrating the achievements of those living with them.

We are also wearing the colour orange today to show support for families of children with cancer. Orange was the favourite colour of our former pupil Hugh Menai-Davis who sadly passed away two years ago. His inspirational parents have since set up the charity It's Never You - the only UK charity dedicated to the needs of parents during their child’s treatment for cancer. The charity is currently campaigning for the government to give financial support to parents with children who are facing a prolonged hospital stay. ‘Hugh’s Bill’ recognises the significant financial strain that comes with caring for a sick child and aims to alleviate some of that burden.