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Year 7 visit the home of the WWII Codebreakers

Intrigue and mystery were the order of the day as Year 7 visited the home of the code breakers at Bletchley Park. The pupils learnt how 9,000 people collaborated together under the Official Secrets Act to break codes, send messages and keep the country safe during a period of great turmoil during the Second World War. 

Bletchley Park worked around the clock in three shifts of 3,000 people in teams of code breakers, mathematicians, engineers, bikers and auxiliary staff. It was amazing to find out about all the roles people played and how all the cogs fitted together to make it all work. 

The pupils were given a fascinating guided tour of the site and took part in an exciting workshop about biometrics and how AI impacts our lives today. 

"I really enjoyed the tour; it was amazing to see Hut 11 and how the code breakers and the people who worked at Bletchley Park were mainly women who were paid in just board and lodgings."  Florence S, year 7