Pupils Entranced By Tales From Around The World
We were honoured to welcome famed storyteller John Row to Heath Mount today. John visited pupils from Years 1-8 to tell them some wonderful tales that he has collected during his visits to over 30 countries around the world.
Today's stories included late 19th century fairytales - many passed down by oral tradition - from Serbia, Texas, Morocco, Ireland and Scotland. John, who is also a poet, prides himself on purposefully seeking out fairytales without stereotypical characters. The pupils were completely entranced by his charismatic storytelling and loved learning about his Hazel wood stick (gifted by a man he once told a story to) and his previous career as a circus ringmaster!
About John Row: John has has over four decades' experience of telling stories in schools, libraries, prisons and festivals in the U.K., North America, mainland Europe, The Near and Far East and North Africa. He is a veteran of the U.K. festival scene and a familiar figure at Glastonbury Festival Kidz Field and Cambridge Folk Festival, where he has been performing for nearly thirty years.