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The transition from Nursery School to Reception sees a more formal timetable being introduced, though again the emphasis is on learning through fun, play-based activities. The children are taught in small groups and may improve their counting skills by adding up pine cones in the forest, or refine their phonics in the Library. 

Like every other year group in Pre-Prep, Reception children journey out once a term to local museums, farms and zoos, to consolidate what they are learning in class. They also receive enriching visits from a variety of external sources which have included the Fire Brigade, St Albans Cathedral Outreach, Zoo Lab and Ark Farm.

We have a three-form entry into Reception which is housed within our modern Pre-Prep building, complete with library, ICT suite, music room, hall and classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards. Each class teacher is supported by a teaching assistant. Children can arrive from 8.25pm in time for Registration at 8.45am or attend Breakfast Club from 7.30am. The day ends at 4pm. After-School Clubs are available every day until 4.45pm daily, with the option to stay in Crèche until 5.30pm.

Morning lessons with our form teachers focus on core skills in literacy and maths, while in the afternoon, music, Forest School, pottery, PE and swimming are taught by specialist teachers. Children also attend weekly ICT lessons. We make the most of the open spaces on our doorstep, which often act as an extension to our classrooms so children can continue learning in the fresh air. At playtime, they have the chance to let off steam in our fantastic pirate ship playground and surrounding woodland.