Developing a solid understanding of the core principles of mathematics and being able to apply them in a wide range of situations are essential life skills. As science and technology increases at an exponential rate, the future of today’s pupils will have a greater association to these industries.
Mathematics is integral to all aspects of daily life, from telling the time to sequencing the cooking of your dinner. By recognising these links, we aim to develop an enthusiastic approach to the subject whilst developing arithmetic skills. This process begins in Pre-Prep with regular recognition of patterns and counting in the forest school and extends throughout the Prep school across the curriculum.
Developing a fluent understanding of arithmetic is the foundation to all aspects of mathematics. Building on this foundation, the aim is for all pupils to master concepts, enabling them to combine and apply their skills in a range of situations so they can unpick a problem and create solutions regardless of the context in which it is presented.
We endeavour to teach mathematics in such a way so as to support and challenge pupils to meet their requirements and develop their knowledge. Wherever possible, we link lessons to the wider world and curriculum to help create an applied understanding for pupils.
The Mathematics Department works with the Science Department to nurture pupils’ interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) through clubs and activity days. In addition, opportunities are given for older pupils to take part in regional and national competitions.
To see the Maths Curriculum Map for the Summer Term Click Here